Here comes the first look poster of an upcoming Bollywood Romance Comedy film “Love Kiya Aur Lagg Gayi” directed by Rahat Kazmi. The star cast of the movie are Vinod Dixit and Jennifer Winget in lead roles. In this movie Pawan Malhotra, Saurabh Shukla, Mukesh Tiwari, Raja Hasan, Javed Sheikh, Brijendra Kala, Mushtaq Khan and Sharmila Goenka in supporting roles. The movie produced by Harish Sharma under the banner of Shri Ram Entertainment. The movie going to be releasing10th May 2013.
First Look Poster -Love Kiya Aur Lagg Gayi (2013) Movie
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5
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Rating : 4.5